Tips For Cleaning Marble Surfaces

My house gets messy, and I mean messy. It’s no wonder, since 6 males occupy it but that’s just not really a good excuse if you ask me. Hours after a deep clean, things will be dirty again and it’s just a never ending cycle. The bathroom is the worst, I tell you. Nothing can ever stay organized and things are just left wherever anyone wants to leave them. Never mind that I try to keep the perfume and cologne bottles displayed nicely because those always get pushed around.
The terrible thing about the messy bathroom is that our vanity and marble counter-top sink wasn’t cheap. We forked out a pretty penny for that baby and it would be a shame to see it ruined. So I did some research and found some tips for cleaning marble surfaces, which I’m sharing with you today!
Tips for cleaning marble surfaces
o Avoid common acidic cleaners. These can etch or damage the counter top surface.
o Clean up spills immediately. Some toiletry products can leave a stain on the marble.
o Do not use bathroom or tub and tile cleaners. While it may seem to make sense, these cleaners contain abrasives that will dull and scratch the surface.
o Use special products meant for stone. Granite Gold Clean & Shine does two jobs at once, cleaning and polishing.
Granite Gold Clean & Shine not only gives your marble surfaces a nice luster and shine, it leaves a fresh citrus scent too. It can also be used on granite, travertine, limestone, slate and tile. Granite Gold Clean & Shine and other products in their line are available nationwide at Walmart. You can find the nearest one through the Store Locator on their website.
Written by: Outnumbered 3 to 1