Granite Cleaning and Other Stone Care Tips

Ask The Experts
  1. Never use ordinary, everyday household cleaners on granite or any other natural-stone surface. They damage natural stone and can lead to costly repair or replacement.
  2. Frequently sealing granite countertops and all other natural-stone maintains maximum surface protection.
  3. Use and keep door mats clean to minimize the dirt and micro particles from wearing into your stone floors.
  4. Be sure your vacuum attachment does not scratch stone floors. Avoid dragging objects across stone floors. Weekly damp mopping keeps the floor free of abrasive particles.
  5. Properly caring for granite countertops and other natural stone starts with daily or as-needed cleaning to reduce dirt, oil penetration and water spotting.
  6. Using a squeegee on shower walls helps prevent water spotting and soap scum build-up.
  7. Polishing granite countertops and other stone surfaces such as shower walls will enhance color and sheen, and provide added protection to help prevent etching, water spotting and soap scum build-up.

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