First Step in Granite Cleaning and Stone Care is Avoiding Common Cleaners

Caring for granite countertops and all other natural-stone surfaces isn’t as complex as many people believe, but frankly the stone industry – manufacturers, installers, fabricators and restoration professionals – has historically not done an effective job in helping consumers understand how to protect these expensive stone surfaces.
The first line of defense is avoiding common household cleaners. Whether it’s a glass cleaner or an all-purpose cleaner, they typically contain ammonia and other harsh ingredients that destroy natural stone’s protective seal. Once that happens, stone is at risk of damage and you’ll face expensive repair or replacement. Sometimes the protective seal is already damaged and you may not know it. Here’s what you can do to find out if the seal is intact: Regularly check the integrity of the seal with an at-home water test. Pour water (about 3 inches in diameter) on the surface in several locations and let it sit for 30 minutes. If the water penetrates the stone – look for a dark mark or ring – it is time to reseal. Frequent use maintains maximum surface protection, penetrating stone surfaces to provide superior, long-lasting resistance to staining, etching and soil build-up. Helping consumers understand how to maintain granite countertops and other natural stone surfaces is the precise reason why we created Granite Gold®. For additional tips on protecting your stone, Read our Stone Care Guide; for help with your stone, just Ask the Experts . Here’s an exclusive offer for fans of our blog: 25% off your entire online order through May 31, 2013. Just enter coupon code “experts”.