Coryanne Ettiene's Recipe for Safe Food-Preparation Surfaces, Baking Tips and Short Crust Pastry

The beauty with having granite counters in my kitchen is that not only do they look amazing, but they also act as a stunning surface for baking. What I love about using Granite Gold® in my kitchen is that it is safe on food-prep surfaces, non-toxic, and it preserves and protects the beauty and durability of my natural stone. While I always strive to have clean counters, I’m not the tidiest of cooks, and life gets messy when you have a house full of young children, so I often have to clean as I go when I’m cooking or baking, which is why having a safe kitchen cleaner is so important to me. I have not always been a confident baker. For years, the only thing I could make with any confidence was a simple short crust pastry. It is the one pastry recipe that requires little skill but still offer delicious results. I use short crust pastry for both savory and sweet recipes, and because it takes very little skill, when I’m in a hurry I often substitute it for a standard pie crust. With spring in full bloom and the fruits on offer changing, there is no better time than to revamp your baking pantry by replacing the broken, tired, or expired, and dive into spring baking. In addition to the baking reference guide, I also created a Spring Kitchen Tips and Spring Cleaning Tips guide. Be sure to like the Granite Gold Facebook page, where they are sharing all my videos, tips and blog posts. And to discover more inspiration, follow the Granite Style Pin board to stay informed on all things granite. About Coryanne Ettiene.
Posted on May 08 2014