Grout Cleaning is a Dirty Job

It just might be the most frustrating task of all there is related to granite cleaning and other natural stone care. You clean your grout and usually with satisfaction, and there it is again – dirt, grime, stains. There are typically two reasons why grout cleaning is so frustrating. First, most grout is located in high-traffic areas, whether on tiled floors or counters and other food-prep surfaces. Second, typical grout cleaning products are either a masking agent (they just cover the dirt and grime and don’t clean the grout) or they’re too abrasive on the tiles. Here are a few tips on keeping grout clean:
Toothbrushes are a popular tool in grout cleaning; Granite Gold Grout Cleaner comes with brush made for cleaning grout

- Frequently seal grout lines to maintain maximum surface protection against spills and stains
- Use a cutting board on food-prep surfaces
- Immediately clean up spills
- Try Granite Gold Grout Cleaner®, which is formulated to deep clean grout and comes with a safe-on-stone grout brush
- Agitate dirt and grime away from grout lines with a nylon brush to deep clean the grout
- Grout cleaners won’t remove stains; for stained grout, it’s better to re-grout the tile, followed by sealing it
Posted on July 01 2013