Everything You Need to Know About Methicillin-Resistant Staphylococcus Aureus (MRSA)

Think about your countertops. Really think about them: What touches them? How often do you clean them and what are the places you touch right after you place a casual hand on your countertop?
(The Venn diagram of surface contact is probably larger than you think, right?)
Before, we’ve talked about Staphylococcus aureus. It’s time to dig a little deeper and mention one of its variants: Methicillin-Resistant Staphylococcus aureus, or MRSA. MRSA has special characteristics that can drive its own specific risks.
What is MRSA?
MRSA is a special type of Staphylococcus aureus that has developed a specific resistance to methicillin — a strong type of penicillin. Staphylococcus aureus is already tough enough to deal with on its own; this stronger, hardier version can be very frustrating and dangerous to treat.
MRSA strains commonly result from infections in healthcare facilities. (This is where antibiotic-resistant germs tend to be found.) However, whether a MRSA contamination results from hospital-acquired infection or community-acquired infection, the initial signs tend to remain the same. An infected individual may present with skin complaints such as infections and mild abscesses. However, if the MRSA bacteria reach the bloodstream — from a catheter, an injection or simply a very bad infection — any number of vital organs (e.g., the heart, bones, lungs) can respond in a life-threatening way.
Where does MRSA typically live?
As it’s the version of Staphylococcus aureus that has developed defenses against penicillin, a strong antibiotic, MRSA tends to live in places that one might normally associate with the medical field or healthcare. Medical devices in the body, from artificial joints and valves to pacemakers and catheters, tend to be places where these bacteria accumulate.
However, much like its less resistant relatives, MRSA can be spread through contact. If you’ve been to a hospital recently, work at one, have brought home materials from a healthcare facility, have loved ones who have undergone treatment or believe that you might have come into contact with anyone or anything that might fit this description, it’s a good idea to take proactive steps to rid your environment of this contaminant.
How can I keep my home safe from MRSA?
Clean, disinfect and put systems in place to keep cleaning MRSA even after you’ve left the room. That’s it — that’s your easy process to keep you and yours safe from MRSA in your own home.
We’ll go into a little more detail. When we target bacteria, it’s important to remember that we need to put more work in than just wiping with a wet cloth or DIY cleaners. Here’s the truth: All that does is move bacteria around your kitchen or your home.
Instead, you need to use an easy, effective cleaning system with the added advantage of killing any bacteria that may be lining your sink or crowding your countertop. That’s why we recommend this All-Purpose Cleaner as a crucial part of your cleaning rituals.
Got MRSA? Not Anymore, When Cleaning Your Home With MicroGold® Products
It’s time to make sure that MRSA feels as unwelcome as possible in your home. The effective clean and kill the All-Purpose Cleaner delivers will do the heavy lifting for you to ensure that MRSA stays far from you, your home, and your loved ones, when used as directed. To fully round out your cleaning routine, finish up with a gently moisturizing, antibacterial hand soap to be 100% sure that you’re not spreading pathogens around your home — and to treat yourself with soft hands.