Changing Table Hygiene: Keeping Your Child Safe

Changing Table Hygiene: Keeping Your Child Safe

Changing tables tend to feature a lot of disposable or washable accessories. We keep wipes near the changing station to keep our children comfortable and clean; we layer on changing pads with removable covers; we have a fresh stack of diapers at hand. If we’re attending to our baby’s needs on the go and are using a public changing station, we might roll out a mat and quickly wipe down the area with a towelette.

As parents, that’s just what needs to happen sometimes.

However, we also need to keep our infants safe.

It’s easy to think (especially in the haze of new parenthood) that constantly washing the covers, soaking dirty cloths and restocking the diaper drawer is enough to keep contaminants far away from your child’s changing table. If we’re away from home, we keep our child’s skin far from publicly used surfaces and hope for the best.

It’s time to up our game. Public changing stations are hotbeds of contaminants, bacteria and even fecal matter. Even home changing tables can have traces of Salmonella and Staphylococcus aureus if not cleaned consistently and well.

Not to worry; we’ll walk you through the proper way to disinfect a changing table:

This Spring, Sanitize Your Child’s Changing Table (At Home and Elsewhere)  

Whether you’re at home or out and about in town, there are steps you can take to make changing your child as safe and germ-free as possible. Think about the following:

Location, location, location. It’s a truism in real estate and just about every other field for a reason. Where you change your child’s diaper matters. At home, avoid the temptation to change your child on the spot; keep the potential contamination in one confined location. When you’re out, use one designated changing pad or blanket that you can roll up and clean when you get home. (Also, even if you live in a small space, refrain from using your kitchen counter or a frequently used bed or couch as your changing area.)

Perfect your changing technique to minimize contamination. Every child has blowouts, and every parent has had to deal with unfortunate messy situations. However, implement all possible steps to keep the mess contained; wipe strategically, roll the diaper up, and use any adhesive tabs on the diaper to keep the used portion closed off.

Wash everyone’s hands before and after the event. No matter how cleanly you performed the change, you’ll need to make sure your hands are safe and spotless. Use a gentle antibacterial hand soap on both your hands and your child’s; even if you didn’t specifically see them touch anything during the change, it never hurts to take precautions on the side of cleanliness.

Keep effective cleaning solutions on standby. Once the change is complete, use a microfiber cloth and an effective all-purpose cleaner to not only disinfect the entire changing area but also clean them. Give the solution time to kill all germs effectively; refer to the manufacturer’s instructions, and be sure to thoroughly rinse with potable water.

Routinely do a deeper clean of all involved changing implements. While it’s a good idea to clean your changing table quickly after each change, we get it: You have a wriggling baby to handle, as well. Make it part of your daily routine to go back, later, when the child is asleep or otherwise occupied, and use your all-purpose cleaner on all parts of your changing table, not just the immediate working surfaces. Refresh all linens, make sure you have enough cleaning solutions at hand, and you should be good to go.

Reduce Changing Table Contaminants Effectively with the MicroGold® Suite of Products

Adding another step to your child’s diaper-changing routine might seem like a drag, but it doesn’t have to be. With smart, effective, and efficient products, you can keep your baby’s environment completely safe in just a few minutes.

Whether you’re stocking your diaper bag or your child’s at-home changing table, we recommend keeping these strategic products on hand. An all-purpose cleaner is perfect for rendering any non-porous surface germ-free (as long as it’s used according to manufacturer instructions; give the product time to work its magic!). Finally, select a moisturizing, antibacterial hand soap to keep your hands supple, soft and sanitary.


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