5 Winter Design Tips for Natural Stone

Stone countertops can add an element of character and an artsy feel to a living space. Whether you choose limestone, travertine, granite, or another type of natural stone to embellish your floors or countertops, it will stand out from ordinary tile and other alternatives. Winter is an interesting season to have stone floors or countertops in your house. Here are 5 ideas to incorporate stone design in your home during this season, brought to you by Granite Gold®, a family company with a long history of natural-stone care expertise.
1. Use Natural Stone to Decorate your Fireplace
The idea that natural stone will only make a place seem much colder, especially during the winter, can be countered by applying this tip. Adding natural stone will make your fireplace look modern and more put together than the ordinary fireplace design. Go with neutral colors for this look so the other color tones in the room do not seem like they are competing for attention.2. Add Exotic Rugs to Your Stone Floors
A major concern during winter is that stone floors will make the house much colder, but you can get a centerpiece rug or a hallway rug with an exotic tropical feel to counter this issue. Natural stone does retain some heat, and you may be surprised at how much a good rug can increase warmth in your home. The house will look much brighter because the tropical shades will brighten the mood of the house. Remember to match the rugs with your theme colors to maintain your interior design.3. Heat the Floors
During winter, many homeowners buy a heater to make the house a little bit warmer. You can also install a heater to warm your natural-stone floors. Heated flooring is perfect for places like the bathroom where you may want to use natural stone for the walls and floors. It will look like winter but feel like summer inside.4. Incorporate Accent Walls Made of Natural Stone
If you would like to have natural-stone walls but are not sure whether it will get too cold for the winter season, cover one accent wall with your natural stone of choice to add more character to your living room, bedroom, or even hallway wall. The design will make the room feel modern, and you will still retain warmth during winter.5. Install Natural-Stone Countertops
During winter or any other season, this style is perfect. Natural stone is great for décor, and marble, granite, quartz, and other types of stone are perfect if you want to add an elegant finish to sinks in the kitchen or the bathroom. You can also use natural stone for bathtub surrounds. It completely changes the atmosphere in the area, adding a modern feel. However you incorporate natural stone into your home this winter, make sure you care for it properly. One of the most important steps in caring for natural stone is cleaning it regularly with a granite daily cleaner. Like all products from Granite Gold®, our Granite Gold Daily Cleaner® is safe to use on all types of natural stone, including granite, marble, slate, and travertine. If you have any questions, please give us a call at 1-800-475-STONE.
Posted on November 24 2017