How to Reseal Granite & Other Natural Stone

When real estate listings make news headlines, it’s either because they’re historic, spectacular, or expensive. With regard to the latter two, you can almost always expect to find natural stone as part of the property description being highlighted. In September 2019, a Chicago home designed by George Frederick Keck in 1936 was listed for $3.5 million, and it featured an indoor waterfall complete with a marble surround.
In the same month, the most expensive residence in Pittsburgh, also known as the Kelly House, went on the market for $4.9 million, and it featured extensive marble and limestone details from the grand vestibule to some of its nine bathrooms. When tastefully installed and properly cared for, natural stone not only adds character and style to a home but also value. It’s up to property owners to preserve the look and integrity of their natural-stone floors, countertops, and panels, and this means frequent resealing. If you don’t know how to seal granite and other types of natural stone such as marble, travertine, and slate, here are a few things you should know.
Clean the Stone Before Sealing
Regular cleaning and polishing are also part of the care you should provide to natural-stone surfaces. Always clean your stone before sealing with a granite sealer. All steps are equally important, but sealing is crucial because it can prevent permanent staining and etching. Sealing is the final step of the manufacturing process, but the protective seal can be compromised and wear away, so it’s up to you to keep the seal fresh.
Figure Out the Sealing Frequency
Let's say you move into a new home with travertine flooring and granite countertops in the kitchen. In terms of porosity, granite isn’t as absorbent as travertine, thus it would stand to reason that it doesn’t require to be sealed as often, but you also have to consider how much use the surface gets. A granite countertop used for daily meal preparation and dining may need to be resealed more often than a travertine floor section that doesn’t get too much foot traffic. The good news is you can’t over-seal stone, so you can seal as often as you’d like to be on the safe side. However, if you only want to seal when it’s absolutely necessary, you’ll want to perform a water test.
Determine Seal Integrity with the Water Test
You should regularly check the seal on your stone with a simple water test. Pour water about 3 inches in diameter on the surface of the stone in several locations, then let the water sit for 30 minutes. Watch for a dark mark or ring, which means the water has penetrated the stone and it’s time to reseal.
Use Granite Gold Sealer®
After thoroughly cleaning the surface with Granite Gold Daily Cleaner®, spray Granite Gold Sealer® on sections no larger than 3 feet. Using a dry, lint-free cloth or Granite Gold Sealer Applicator®, work the sealant into the stone. Then, buff the surface dry with another lint-free cloth. Alternatively, you can also use Granite Gold Sealer Wipes®. Let the sealant cure for 24 hours before using a granite polish. For more information on sealing natural stone, reach out to the Stone Care Experts at Granite Gold®. Call us today at 1-800-475-STONE (7866), and follow us on Twitter as well for regular tips and updates on natural-stone care.