Removing Stains From Granite and Other Natural Stone

Stains are both unsightly and cause for alarm after spending a good portion of your savings on new, beautiful natural stone counters. If the stain isn’t too deeply imbedded into the pores of granite or other natural stone, there are some home remedies you can use to try and lift the stain before calling a restoration specialist.
Here are some DIY solutions based on the type of stain you’re dealing with:
Oil Stains
These are the most common types of stains in kitchen areas, and they usually come from spills or food preparation related to vegetable, olive and other types of cooking oils. To lift the stain, mix baking soda with acetone into a paste at the consistency of pancake batter and place onto the stained area. Allow the paste to sit for 24 hours, then remove and rinse with water. Repeat if necessary; some stains may require two or three attempts. Reseal the stone surface once this is completed.
Organic Stains
These type of stains are typically from food products, mold, mildew, plant runoff, dirt and soil, and those caused by household pets, such as urine. Take a paper towel, cotton balls or white terry cloth towels soaked in any brand of liquid bleach and place it on the stained area. Allow it to sit for 24 hours and rinse with water. Repeat if necessary. You can also spray bleach on stained areas, scrub with a soft nylon brush and then rinse with water. Bleach does not harm natural stone as long as it is rinsed each time and sealed properly after the process is completed.
Rust Stains
Most rust stains have to be removed by a professional. Pour or spray 3 percent or 4 percent hydrogen peroxide on the stained area and agitated with a safe-on-stone scrubbing pad or nylon brush (also safe on stone) and allow to sit for 24 hours, then rinse with water.