Granite Gold Inc. answers consumers' need for household disinfectant

Poway, CA – May 14, 2020 – Panic buying, depleted store shelves and limited raw goods are making access to disinfectants nearly impossible for consumers wanting to protect their families and homes.
Granite Gold Inc., the manufacturer of Granite Gold® brand of premium care and maintenance products for stone surfaces, is heeding the call by helping to bring a little-known, but game-changing multi-surface disinfecting shield to market. Landing on retail shelves now at CVS and Rite Aid drug store chains and Ace and True Value hardware stores is MonoFoil D – the only single-step disinfectant and anti-microbial shield packed in one solution.
MonoFoil D is an EPA-tested, proven solution to eliminate bacteria and viruses while also providing ongoing protection. The MonoFoil technology is widely used by professional and college athletic teams, urban transit systems and state governments – now it’s available for retail.
Common, typical disinfecting and anti-microbial solutions will only disinfect for the short term or provide a layer of ongoing protection. MonoFoil D destroys viruses on contact and molecularly bonds to the surface for ongoing protection, creating an active barrier that continues to protect. MonoFoil D is a colorless and odorless protective barrier that’s hypo-allergenic with no residue, harmful fumes, volatile organic compounds or obnoxious odors. It is pH balanced and safe on food-preparation surfaces.
“Several months ago, we had started initial research with MonoFoil D’s manufacturer into a long-lasting disinfectant specifically for natural-stone and quartz surfaces like countertops. When concerns over COVID-19 hit a peak several weeks ago, we put the brakes on the project and set our focus on partnering with them to get this product bottled and into consumers’ hands as fast as possible,” said Lenny Sciarrino, president/CEO and co-founder of Granite Gold Inc.
Sciarrino and his team at Granite Gold Inc. networked with numerous business partners to source an increasingly limited supply of available bottles and sprayers. What’s more, working tirelessly with manufacturing plants to scale production led to bringing MonoFoil D to market in matter of a few short weeks.
“Getting this product onto retail shelves and into consumers’ hands is of utmost importance – there’s no other solution that will eliminate bacteria and viruses and provide continual protection,” he said. “The formula pulls microbes from the surface, punctures their cells and prevents future growth – an impenetrable protection for families and homes.”
Monofoil D is produced by ApplyGuard, LLC, of Elwood, IN. EPA registration number 90856-4. The product is available in 16-ounce and 24-ounce spray bottles. For more information, visit
Posted on May 15 2020