Getting it All Done

I use the Granite Gold All-Surface Cleaner on everything and the Granite Gold Clean and Shine makes my granite counters look like new.
Today I’m talking about getting it all done and being okay with not getting it all done plus ways to make your daily cleaning routine a little easier. This is a sponsored post in collaboration with Granite Gold.
You may have noticed that things have been a little quiet around here. Every aspect of life has been overwhelmingly busy. Sometimes it all gets away from me, particularly this time of year.
We did survive the major graduation day on Friday. Cody, our oldest son, graduated from college with honors and Tucker, our middle son, graduated high school. With a 3 hour drive in between, it was a little hectic and while we didn’t stay for the entire college ceremony, we managed to see both kids graduate. We are so very, very proud of our boys.
This is a shot of my kitchen on Saturday morning and this is how it looks ninety percent of the time. For real, this is my kitchen with lots of butter, store bought cookies, cooking magazines, dishes both clean and dirty and a calf bottle for our cute little bum. I was fed up with the mess in the house.
I had recently received a handy box of Granite Gold cleaning supplies and it was time to put them to good use.
Most weeks I just can’t get it all done. Something has to give and honestly, a lot of the time it’s the house. I try to get the dishes done, the floor swept and the bed made every day. I use the Granite Gold All-Surface Cleaner on everything and the Granite Gold Clean and Shine makes my granite counters look like new.
Dusting, mopping and vacuuming are a little tougher to squeeze in. With 10 inches of rain in the last week, the dried mud on the tile was driving me crazy. The Granite Gold Squeeze & Mop Floor Cleaner did just the trick on the ceramic tile and it’s also perfect for natural stone flooring.
I’ve been working way too many hours and having dependable cleaning items like Granite Gold makes my life a little easier. I’ve been using Granite Gold in my kitchen for over a year now. I first tried it last year and if you missed my earlier post, check it out. There are some great spring cleaning tips!
I think the kitchen stayed this clean for about 2.7 seconds and then I was back to cooking up the most amazing enchiladas that I can’t wait to share with you. So I do as much as I can and don’t sweat the small stuff. It’s okay if I can’t get it all done every day. Hopefully I will be back with another great recipe for you soon!