How Much Does It Cost to Get Granite Countertops?

If you are a homeowner looking to boost the value of your property, installing granite countertops is one of the better strategies. Granite surfaces offer more than just aesthetics. If cared for properly, they can also withstand scratches, dents, heat, spills, and stains. As a residential building and finishing material, granite was introduced at very high prices during the Clinton era and just before the great American real estate bonanza of the early 21st century. Back then, granite countertops were mostly in the purview of luxury homes and McMansions. In recent years, granite has become more affordable thanks to various trade agreements.
Costs of Modern Granite Surfaces
Natural granite is made from treated igneous rock that presents an attractive blend of minerals and a crystalline texture. The price of natural granite slabs could be considerably high based on their origin, appearance, and treatment. A higher concentration of natural quartz may also result in higher pricing. Engineered granite is more common than its natural version, but this does not necessarily mean it will cost less. In some cases, quarried granite may cost less than its synthetic counterpart. In 2017, granite slabs may cost anywhere between $5 and $20 per square foot. Granite tiles tend to be cheaper. Once you start to factor in installation, the costs may climb to between $40 and $100 per square foot. When considering installation, it is important to remember manmade granite is easier to transport and work with.